Please Note!!!: CRA has not yet finalized Schedule 3, T657, T936 and T1170, contact the CRA Help Desk for more details.
This issue is caused by Liberal Government's change to the Capital Gain rate, which was initially set to take effect on June 25, 2024, but has now been delayed. As a result of this back-and-forth, CRA will re-certify ALL tax software for these forms in the coming weeks. Workaround: Double-check your tax return to determine if these forms are necessary. If they are not, you may remove them; otherwise, please wait for the next certification release.

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1. Run as Administrator and deal with anti-virus and security programs

If FutureTax didn't work or didn't work suddenly, such as can't save return file, the software is not running properly, etc, right-click on the FutureTax icon and select "Run as Administrator". If the problem is still there, disable anti-virus and/or security programs running on your PC or add FutureTax as an exception on your anti-virus and/or security programs.

2. Line 352, 367 (Family caregiver amount for children under 18 years of age)

Please refer to CRA T1 guide.

You can claim an amount for each of your or your spouse’s or common-law partner’s children who:

  • are under 18 years of age at the end of the year;
  • lived with both of you throughout the year; and
  • have an impairment in physical or mental functions. For more information, see Family caregiver amount (FCA).

The full amount can be claimed in the year of the child’s birth, death, or adoption.

3. Newcomer Basic Amount Proration

This is not new but have to pay attention. The proration rules have been changed by CRA. Please check relevant documents on CRA website. As long as lines 5292 and 5293 on Efile/Netfile worksheet are zeros, or 5292/(5292+5293)>90%, there will be no proration.

4. Tuition Transfer

On the parent's return, click Depdendants button at the top tool box, claim the dependant and enter the Tuition Transfer field. The amounts of the Tuition Transfer are exact from line 327 and 5920 of Federal and Provincial Schedule 11 on child's return.

5. Child Care Expenses (T778)

Only the spouse or common-law partner with the lower net income (even if it is zero) can claim these expenses.

6. The clues for Schedule 6 not being transferred to T1

Please refer to T1 guide to check if you are eligible for the credit. Also make sure no entries on Decease date and Entry date on page 1 of T1, and the return is not for pre-bankruptcy.

7. T776 CCA

I entered all the information on part A on T776, the total CCA claim (Column 9) is still $0? - Please make sure the amount above line 9936 on page 1 of T776 are greater than zero.

8. Line 437 (total income tax deducted) is different from T4 slip

This is because form T1032 is claimed. Check the instructions on page 2 of T1032.

9. Submit T1135

Please click the menu: T1135 > Submit T1135.