Note: This Page will be updated once version 2024 is certified - no more information for the release date before CRA issues (Authentication, Business Consent and Auto-fill are certified).

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Common Filing Errors

Note: For CRA account error messages such as Account Locked, EFILE number/password invalid, and the errors related to your CRA account, please contact CRA Helpdesk.

Click to open CRA error code list and CRA response code list.

Form Authorization submission code list is at Authorization response code list.

1. Error 131 - Your access is locked. Please contact your EFILE(NETFILE) Helpdesk.

Your access is locked

-- Please call CRA Helpdesk indicated above. The message is returned from CRA and your account is in their server, it must be unlocked by CRA. If you have contacted them, "they say it’s a software issue and there are no error messages on their end", you have to keep calling until someone is willing to unlock for you.

2. Error 370 - There is an entry on line 30800 and/or on line 50310 for the base CPP or QPP contributions through employment income but no employment or exempt employment income was reported.

-- The taxpayer has T4 slip(s) on records that were not accounted for in the transmission. You will need to touch base with the taxpayer to obtain these slips (The CPP payments are not matched with the CRA records).

3. Error 2197 - Line 20800 (RRSP deduction) cannot exceed the unused RRSP/PRPP/SPP contributions available from previous years plus line 24500 (total RRSP, SPP, and PRPP contributions) minus line 24600 (contributions designated as a repayments under the Home Buyers' Plan) minus line 24620 (contributions designated as a repayment under the Lifelong Learning Plan).

-- If you get the error and claim unused RRSP only on Schedule 7, it means the unused RRSP is not matched your CRA account. Contact CRA Helpdesk to adjust.

4. Error 2252 - Line 24600 on the Schedule 7 and/or line 58830 on the Form RC383 for contributions designated as a repayment under the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) cannot be less than the minimum repayment required. Where the client has elected to include the funds withdrawn into income on line 12900, enter the HBP participant repayment amount on line 55080.

-- Your HBP claim is not matched the amount on CRA account, contact CRA Helpdesk for the amount. Enter the correct amount at line 12900 on additional worksheet.

5. Error 70127 - One of the following situations applies to your client's return. Note that capital gains deductions from prior years may affect an amount, if any, reported on line 17800 on the Schedule 3.

-- If there is no amount on line 12700 and Form T1170, in this situation a T2017 would need to be completed based on last years filing.

6. Error 70412 - The investment tax credit is greater than the amount allowable based on the entries on the Form T2038 for current year acquisitions plus any unused carryforward amounts.

-- Line 41200 exceeded the limit recorded by CRA. Double check if an amount displays in column 1, Balance of credits carried forward from previous years in Part F, Carryforward chart of Form T2038. If this amount is claimed during the year, make sure that it corresponds to the amount in the taxpayer’s account recorded by CRA. This information is available through the CRA’s Represent a client service. Or contact CRA helpdesk for the amount.

7. Error 70450 - There is an entry on line 30800 and/or on line 50310 for the base CPP or QPP contributions through employment income but no employment or exempt employment income was reported.

-- The taxpayer has T4 slip(s) on records that were not accounted for in the transmission. You will need to touch base with the taxpayer to obtain these slips (The EI payments are not matched with the CRA records).

8. Error 90113 - One of the following situations applies to your client’s return:
1. Your client was 65 years of age or older on December 31. An entry for old age security (OAS) pension is required. Where the taxpayer did not receive any OAS pension, enter 1 on line 9917.
2. Line 9917 to indicate no OAS pension was received does not equal 1.
3. Your client was 64 years of age or under on December 31. Delete line 11300.

-- If you meet all the criteria and still get the error, your birthdate was set wrongly on your CRA account, contact CRA Helpdesk to correct it.

9. Error 92124 - Your client is no longer entitled to claim the Canada Pension Plan overpayment because the filing date of this return is more than four years after the end of the tax year.

-- As the error message states, the CPP overpayment cannot be claimed because it's been more than four years after the end of the tax year. Reduce the CPP claims such as box 16 of T4 slips to make line 44800 on T1 to be zero, and then submit again.

10. Error 99917 - Line 11300 and line 9917.

-- Double check date of birth entered on T1. If the taxpayer are 65 years or older, he/she has T4A(OAS)(s) on records that were not accounted for in the transmission. You will need to touch base with the taxpayer to obtain these slips (The EIinformation are not matched with the CRA records).

11. Auto-fill ERR.029 - This session has timed out.

-- Login your CRA account in your default browser and keep it opened, then Auto fill your tax returns in the software again.

12. ReFile Error 503 for line 24700(HBP withdrawal) changed only - The Canada Revenue Agency is unable to process this ReFILE request as there appears to be no change to the return or some of the fields submitted have resulted in no change.

-- A paper request would be any type of taxpayer/representative request submitted via mail; whether it be a written letter, a T1 ADJ form, a revised Schedule 7 with a note, etc.

13. Auto-fill forbidden error or ERR.021 - We cannot proceed with your request. Contact us for help.

-- There is a switch that has to be enabled with respect to my Representative account that enables FutureTax to be able to login. If you still cannot figure out the solution, once you receive the error, there should be a link with information to "contact us". You will have to call the CRA help desk about the status of your credentials.

14. Error 43 - Your client’s first and/or last name does not agree with the information on the Canada Revenue Agency’s records. Please confirm that you have the correct social insurance number and name for this taxpayer. If the information you entered was correct and a name change is required, enter 2 as the surname change code.

-- If the information are entered correctly, select Yes for the question "Has your surname changed since the last filing?" on page 1 of EFILE worksheet, it represents "enter 2 as change the surname code".

15. Error 521 - Please carefully complete both identification fields and try again. Please be reminded that you must use your most recent information regardless of the tax year of the return you are attempting to transmit. Your access will be locked after five unsuccessful attempts.

-- Click "Efile Info" at the beginning or at the top tool bar, enter your new Efile number and/or password for the tax year.

16. Authentication error T830 on submitting Authentication form

-- Click EFILE Info button at the top of tool bar, double check your EFILE number and password and they must match your CRA records. Submit again. If it's still the same error, please contact CRA helpdesk.

17. Authentication error T857 on submitting Authentication form

-- Your client needs to call CRA Helpdesk to authorize you.

18. Authentication error T859 submitting Authentication form

-- Use newest version of FutureTax to submit the request.

19. "Efiler ID or Password invalid" on submitting Business Consent form

-- Your Efiler number has not yet been certified for the new year filing program by CRA.